
Empower Your Family's Financial Future with Wallety - The Ultimate Family Finance Tracker App

Wallety isn't just a finance app; it's a tool to empower families to learn about money management together.

With Wallety, parents can effortlessly track their children's finances, encourage smart money habits, and foster a culture of financial responsibility.

From weekly allowances to task-based rewards, Wallety makes it easy for families to manage finances, set savings goals, and track progress—all in one organized and user-friendly app.

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About App

#1 Family Finance Management

Empower your family with Wallety's comprehensive finance management features. From supervising children's transactions to setting savings goals, Wallety simplifies family finance.

#2 Encourage Financial Skills

Promote financial literacy in your children with Wallety's intuitive interface and educational tools. Make learning about money management engaging and rewarding.

#3 Task-Based Rewards System

Motivate your children to take on household tasks and learn the value of earning money. Wallety's task-based rewards system instills responsibility and work ethic from an early age.


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App Features

Awesome Features

Expense Tracking

Effortlessly monitor spending and categorize transactions for better budget management.

Money Transfers

Seamlessly transfer funds between family members' accounts or to friends with just a few taps.

Goal-Oriented Savings

Set savings goals for your children and track progress towards achieving them as a family.

Task Management

Assign household tasks to children and reward completion to teach responsibility and work ethic.

Parental Supervision

Supervise your children's transactions and financial activities, ensuring they learn responsible money management.

Educational Tools

Access educational resources and tools to teach children about basic financial concepts in a fun and engaging way.

Customizable Allowances

Set up weekly or monthly allowances for your children and automate transfers to their accounts for budgeting purposes.

Unusual Expense Alerts

Receive real-time notifications for unusual or unexpected expenses made by your children, ensuring prompt oversight and the opportunity for teachable moments about responsible spending habits.


User Friendly interface And Very Easy To Use Finnance App

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How It Works

3 Easy Steps

Install the App

Download Wallety from the Google Play Store onto your Android device.

Setup Your Profile

Create profiles for each family member, linking accounts and setting permissions for supervision.

Enjoy Family Finance

Start tracking expenses, supervising transactions, and fostering financial literacy within your family.


Download The Latest Version Of Our App

Transform your family's financial habits today by downloading the latest version of Wallety from the Google Play Store. Simplify family finance management and empower your children to build a secure financial future.


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Have questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to our support team for assistance or suggestions on how we can improve your Wallety experience.